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 Sujet du message: Sévères mesures au R.U.
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Aoû, 2006 10:56 
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Coco Martins
Coco Martins

Inscription: Jeu 21 Mar, 2002 9:15
Messages: 6317
Localisation: Paris - War Zone thanks to pasdamalgam
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Présenter vos tampons et applicateurs mesdames :shock:


The Department for Transport issued the following statement on 10 August:

'Following this morning's police action, security at all UK airports has been increased and additional security measures have been put in place for all flights.

'With immediate effect, the following arrangements apply to all passengers starting their journey at a UK airport and to those transferring between flights at a UK airport.

'All cabin baggage must be processed as hold baggage and carried in the hold of passenger aircraft departing UK airports.

'Passengers may take through the airport security search point, in a single (ideally transparent) plastic carrier bag, only the following items. Nothing may be carried in pockets:
pocket size wallets and pocket size purses plus contents (for example money, credit cards, identity cards etc (not handbags));
travel documents essential for the journey (for example passports and travel tickets);
prescription medicines and medical items sufficient and essential for the flight (eg diabetic kit), except in liquid form unless verified as authentic.
spectacles and sunglasses, without cases.
contact lens holders, without bottles of solution.
for those travelling with an infant: baby food, milk (the contents of each bottle must be tasted by the accompanying passenger) and sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight (nappies, wipes, creams and nappy disposal bags). female sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight, if unboxed (eg tampons, pads, towels and wipes).
tissues (unboxed) and/or handkerchiefs
keys (but no electrical key fobs)
'All passengers must be hand searched, and their footwear and all the items they are carrying must be x-ray screened.

'Pushchairs and walking aids must be x-ray screened, and only airport-provided wheelchairs may pass through the screening point.

'In addition to the above, all passengers boarding flights to the USA and all the items they are carrying, including those acquired after the central screening point, must be subjected to secondary search at the boarding gate. Any liquids discovered must be removed from the passenger.

'There are no changes to current hold baggage security measures.

'Regrettably, significant delays at airports are inevitable. Passengers are being asked to allow themselves plenty of extra time and to ensure that other than the few permitted items listed above, all their belongings are placed in their hold baggage and checked in.

'These additional security measures will make travel more difficult for passengers, particularly at such a busy time of the year. But they are necessary and will continue to keep flights from UK airports properly secure. We hope that these measures, which are being kept under review by the Government, will need to be in place for a limited period only. In light of the threat to aviation and the need to respond to it, we are asking the travelling public to be patient and understanding and to cooperate fully with airport security staff and the police.

'If passengers have any questions on their travel arrangements or security in place at airports they should contact their airline or carrier.'

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MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Aoû, 2006 11:43 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Sam 16 Juil, 2005 20:52
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Localisation: London SE8
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21 arrestations pour l' instant.
C'est le bordel aux alentours des aeroports et stations de train.
Pas trop hate de voyager apres le boulot tout a l'heure.....

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MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Aoû, 2006 12:14 
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Coco Martins
Coco Martins

Inscription: Jeu 21 Mar, 2002 9:15
Messages: 6317
Localisation: Paris - War Zone thanks to pasdamalgam
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London29 a écrit:
21 arrestations pour l' instant.
C'est le bordel aux alentours des aeroports et stations de train.
Pas trop hate de voyager apres le boulot tout a l'heure.....

pourquoi c'est toujours de Birmingham que viennent les emmerdes ?

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Aoû, 2006 12:24 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Sam 16 Juil, 2005 20:52
Messages: 2366
Localisation: London SE8
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Xtian a écrit:
pourquoi c'est toujours de Birmingham que viennent les emmerdes ?

B'ham,Luton,Bradford,Oldham et d'autres villes ont de fortes populations musulmanes "desenchantees" , beaucoup de deuxieme generation ne voient pas Britain comme leur pays,mais comme un ennemi de l' Islam.
Des sondages recents montraient que beaucoup d'entre eux trouvaient les attaques 11/9 et 7/7 justifiees.

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MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Aoû, 2006 12:48 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec

Inscription: Jeu 14 Fév, 2002 18:48
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villes ont de fortes populations musulmanes "desenchantees"

ça existe les populations musulmanes enchantées? A croire que c'est dans le package religion le faisage de gueule permanent et le "je vous emmerde tous, pays de cons"

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