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MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 13:23 
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Jean Pierre Bosser
Jean Pierre Bosser

Inscription: Jeu 10 Juin, 2010 21:18
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Plusieurs fois, Lala a eu l'occasion de donner le ballon à Faivre, mais préférait faire une transversale difficile ....... Étonnant, sinon suspect.

"ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait" Mark Twain.

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 13:55 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec

Inscription: Lun 05 Jan, 2015 14:08
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Comme sur ce coup-franc foiré qui précède l'égalisation.

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 14:08 
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Jean Pierre Bosser
Jean Pierre Bosser
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Inscription: Dim 15 Jan, 2023 16:32
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il faut le sortir du groupe 2 ou 3 matchs quand l'effectif sera au complet ça va peut être le réveillé même si pour moi avec Brest il est définitivement endormi façon cauchemar ! il prends juste la place d'un autre qui ne pourrait pas être pire .

les prévisions sont difficiles...surtout quand elles concernent l'avenir...."Pierre Dac".

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 16:09 
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Rezki Amrouche
Rezki Amrouche

Inscription: Dim 06 Oct, 2024 14:56
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I'm a Bournemouth supporter, and I’ve been following your team and this forum since the summer because I’ve been keen to see how Faivre is getting on. Now, I feel like I need to share my perspective. I can read and understand spoken French, but I’m not confident enough to write in it, so apologies for posting in English.

I struggle to understand the constant criticism of Faivre, not just after this game but in previous ones too. I’m not saying he’s your best player, but regardless of the result or his performance, he’s often deemed the worst and solely blamed for losses. Even after scoring that last-minute goal against Toulouse, people complained about his celebration and post-game interview, where he praised the team, by the way. Why not focus on the fact that he secured the win? The analysis is always one-sided: “He didn’t have a good game because he lost every ball, all his crosses were bad, and how could he not score?! (Others did the same, but that’s probably Faivre’s fault.) He’s terrible! And he’s probably sulking in the dressing room (though I have no idea, but it fits my narrative...)”. I don’t think he should be free from criticism, but he should be evaluated the same way as the others.

I’ve watched several of your games in Ligue 1 and Champions League, including yesterday's. It's unfortunate you lost at the end, but that's football! You had many chances to score a second goal, yet missed what were essentially open goals. The only goal came from a very generous penalty. It should have been 2-0 or 3-0 long before the final whistle, so it feels harsh to blame the loss on one or two players who only came on in the last 10 minutes. Neither has played much lately, especially not Faivre, and judging them by a different standard seems unfair. I can’t imagine how this forum and social media would have reacted if Faivre had missed those clear chances.

Sometimes, I get the impression that Faivre is judged purely on his mistakes (losing the ball, not tracking back quickly enough, not defending well enough, etc.), while other players seem to get a free pass for the same mistakes and are judged more on their successful actions (despite similar ball losses or poor defending). Referring back to yesterday’s game, I actually thought he showed some decent things in those last few minutes. He was positioning himself quite well offensively and was free in front of goal several times. If his teammates had just lifted their heads and passed the ball, maybe he could have scored. Who knows?

I also have a few concerns about how he’s being used. I haven’t seen every game, but from what I’ve watched, he’s played as a left winger, right winger, a number 10, and even as a midfielder/8-position (which didn’t seem to suit him at all). This is a new team for him, with a new coach and new teammates, and even much better players would struggle to find rhythm and automations when being shuffled around like that. In my view, the coach needs to decide how he wants to use him and then give him a run of games to find his rhythm, even if he has an off day. It just seems unreasonable to expect Faivre to come on and be at his absolute best immediately, while other players are given much more patience and forgiveness.

Many of us who followed AFCB during pre-season were disappointed when he went out on loan. He was one of our standout players during pre-season, performing much better than expected, and participated in all the friendlies. We were eager to see more of him in our colors. I also felt the coach viewed him as a valuable rotation player this season, more so than last year. Whatever led him back to Bretagne, only he knows.

This turned out longer than I expected—hope you made it through! On a final note, I just want to say that I’ve been really impressed with Ligue 1 overall, a league I hadn’t followed much before. The quality is much higher than I expected, and I’ve really enjoyed watching Brest. Best of luck on Wednesday in Champions League!

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 16:15 
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Gérard Buscher
Gérard Buscher

Inscription: Dim 22 Jan, 2012 19:32
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You're welcome, but please, in french !!

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 16:33 
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Rezki Amrouche
Rezki Amrouche

Inscription: Dim 06 Oct, 2024 14:56
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fanchbroudig a écrit:
You're welcome, but please, in french !!

Merci beaucoup! Absolument, mais le risque est que ce soit une très mauvaise traduction google :-? :lol:

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 16:48 
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Jean Pierre Bosser
Jean Pierre Bosser
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Inscription: Dim 15 Jan, 2023 16:32
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Cherries_fan a écrit:

I'm a Bournemouth supporter, and I’ve been following your team and this forum since the summer because I’ve been keen to see how Faivre is getting on. Now, I feel like I need to share my perspective. I can read and understand spoken French, but I’m not confident enough to write in it, so apologies for posting in English.

I struggle to understand the constant criticism of Faivre, not just after this game but in previous ones too. I’m not saying he’s your best player, but regardless of the result or his performance, he’s often deemed the worst and solely blamed for losses. Even after scoring that last-minute goal against Toulouse, people complained about his celebration and post-game interview, where he praised the team, by the way. Why not focus on the fact that he secured the win? The analysis is always one-sided: “He didn’t have a good game because he lost every ball, all his crosses were bad, and how could he not score?! (Others did the same, but that’s probably Faivre’s fault.) He’s terrible! And he’s probably sulking in the dressing room (though I have no idea, but it fits my narrative...)”. I don’t think he should be free from criticism, but he should be evaluated the same way as the others.

I’ve watched several of your games in Ligue 1 and Champions League, including yesterday's. It's unfortunate you lost at the end, but that's football! You had many chances to score a second goal, yet missed what were essentially open goals. The only goal came from a very generous penalty. It should have been 2-0 or 3-0 long before the final whistle, so it feels harsh to blame the loss on one or two players who only came on in the last 10 minutes. Neither has played much lately, especially not Faivre, and judging them by a different standard seems unfair. I can’t imagine how this forum and social media would have reacted if Faivre had missed those clear chances.

Sometimes, I get the impression that Faivre is judged purely on his mistakes (losing the ball, not tracking back quickly enough, not defending well enough, etc.), while other players seem to get a free pass for the same mistakes and are judged more on their successful actions (despite similar ball losses or poor defending). Referring back to yesterday’s game, I actually thought he showed some decent things in those last few minutes. He was positioning himself quite well offensively and was free in front of goal several times. If his teammates had just lifted their heads and passed the ball, maybe he could have scored. Who knows?

I also have a few concerns about how he’s being used. I haven’t seen every game, but from what I’ve watched, he’s played as a left winger, right winger, a number 10, and even as a midfielder/8-position (which didn’t seem to suit him at all). This is a new team for him, with a new coach and new teammates, and even much better players would struggle to find rhythm and automations when being shuffled around like that. In my view, the coach needs to decide how he wants to use him and then give him a run of games to find his rhythm, even if he has an off day. It just seems unreasonable to expect Faivre to come on and be at his absolute best immediately, while other players are given much more patience and forgiveness.

Many of us who followed AFCB during pre-season were disappointed when he went out on loan. He was one of our standout players during pre-season, performing much better than expected, and participated in all the friendlies. We were eager to see more of him in our colors. I also felt the coach viewed him as a valuable rotation player this season, more so than last year. Whatever led him back to Bretagne, only he knows.

This turned out longer than I expected—hope you made it through! On a final note, I just want to say that I’ve been really impressed with Ligue 1 overall, a league I hadn’t followed much before. The quality is much higher than I expected, and I’ve really enjoyed watching Brest. Best of luck on Wednesday in Champions League!

traduction Google , ça permet de comprendre son point de vue ...que je ne partage pas sur Faivre

Je suis supporteur de Bournemouth, je suis votre équipe et ce forum depuis l’été car j’avais hâte de voir comment se porte Faivre. Maintenant, je sens que je dois partager mon point de vue. Je peux lire et comprendre le français parlé, mais je ne suis pas assez confiant pour l'écrire, donc je m'excuse de poster en anglais.

J'ai du mal à comprendre les critiques constantes de Faivre, pas seulement après ce match mais aussi lors des précédents. Je ne dis pas qu’il est votre meilleur joueur, mais quel que soit le résultat ou sa performance, il est souvent considéré comme le pire et seul responsable des pertes. Même après avoir marqué ce but de dernière minute contre Toulouse, les gens se sont plaints de sa célébration et de son interview d'après-match, dans laquelle il a d'ailleurs fait l'éloge de l'équipe.
Pourquoi ne pas se concentrer sur le fait qu’il a remporté la victoire ? L’analyse est toujours unilatérale : « Il n’a pas fait un bon match parce qu’il a perdu tous les ballons, tous ses centres étaient mauvais, et comment a-t-il pu ne pas marquer ?! (D’autres ont fait pareil, mais c’est probablement la faute de Faivre.) Il est terrible ! Et il boude probablement dans le vestiaire (même si je n’en ai aucune idée, mais ça correspond à mon récit…) ».

Je ne pense pas qu’il doive être à l’abri des critiques, mais il doit être évalué de la même manière que les autres.
J'ai regardé plusieurs de vos matchs de Ligue 1 et de Ligue des Champions, dont celui d'hier. C'est dommage que tu aies perdu à la fin, mais c'est ça le football ! Vous avez eu de nombreuses occasions de marquer un deuxième but, mais vous avez raté des buts essentiellement ouverts. Le seul but est venu d'un penalty très généreux. Cela aurait dû être 2-0 ou 3-0 bien avant le coup de sifflet final, il est donc difficile de rejeter la responsabilité de la défaite sur un ou deux joueurs qui ne sont entrés en jeu que dans les 10 dernières minutes.

Ni l’un ni l’autre n’ont beaucoup joué ces derniers temps, surtout pas Faivre, et les juger selon une norme différente semble injuste. Je ne peux pas imaginer comment ce forum et les réseaux sociaux auraient réagi si Faivre avait raté ces occasions évidentes.

Parfois, j'ai l'impression que Faivre est jugé uniquement sur ses erreurs (perdre le ballon, ne pas revenir assez vite, ne pas assez bien défendre, etc.), alors que d'autres joueurs semblent obtenir une mise en jeu pour les mêmes erreurs et sont jugés. plus sur leurs actions réussies (malgré des pertes de balle similaires ou une mauvaise défense). En repensant au match d’hier, je pense en fait qu’il a montré des choses décentes au cours de ces dernières minutes. Il se positionnait plutôt bien offensivement
Commentaireset a été libre devant le but à plusieurs reprises. Si ses coéquipiers avaient juste levé la tête et passé le ballon, il aurait peut-être pu marquer. Qui sait ?

J’ai également quelques inquiétudes quant à la façon dont il est utilisé. Je n'ai pas vu tous les matchs, mais d'après ce que j'ai vu, il a joué comme ailier gauche, ailier droit, numéro 10, et même milieu de terrain/8 (ce qui ne semblait pas du tout lui convenir). ). C'est une nouvelle équipe pour lui, avec un nouvel entraîneur et de nouveaux coéquipiers, et même les meilleurs joueurs auraient du mal à trouver le rythme.
Beaucoup d’entre nous qui ont suivi l’AFCB pendant la pré-saison ont été déçus lorsqu’il a été prêté. Il a été l'un de nos joueurs les plus remarquables pendant la pré-saison, avec des performances bien meilleures que prévu et il a participé à tous les matchs amicaux. Nous avions hâte de le voir davantage sous nos couleurs. J'ai également senti que l'entraîneur le considérait comme un joueur de rotation précieux cette saison, plus que l'année dernière. Ce qui l'a ramené en Bretagne, lui seul le sait.

Cela s’est avéré plus long que prévu – j’espère que vous avez réussi ! Pour finir, je veux juste dire que j’ai été très impressionné par la Ligue 1 dans son ensemble, un championnat que je n’avais pas beaucoup suivi auparavant. La qualité est bien supérieure à ce à quoi je m’attendais et j’ai vraiment aimé regarder Brest. Bonne chance mercredi en Ligue des Champions !

les prévisions sont difficiles...surtout quand elles concernent l'avenir...."Pierre Dac".

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 17:46 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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Inscription: Jeu 29 Avr, 2004 14:22
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Pour quelqu'un qui n'a jamais vu ou presque Faivre à Bournemouth............

Brest en stats Pensez à actualiser les pages visitées.

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 17:54 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec

Inscription: Lun 08 Mar, 2004 17:40
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Le samedi après midi, ce n'est pas son meilleur créneau. Celui qui nous fera se déhancher devant ses prestations, c'est le Faivre du samedi soir.
Denis doit écrire à la ligue pour réserver la case horaire, d'autant qu'avec sa carte LDC le stade est prioritaire. Avec un fax, y a pas besoin de timbre.

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 18:00 
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David Ginola
David Ginola
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Inscription: Sam 27 Mar, 2010 14:37
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Hi mate @Cherries_Fan

I think you're being very lenient with Romain. If his failures are emphasized more than his successes, it's because they've been much less visible since he came back here. Moreover, his attitude and commitment during training sessions do not allow him to be a starter in Ligue 1 or Champion's League.

Since last season, the strength of the team has been based on its collective, with strong values: self-sacrifice, courage, surpassing oneself, etc. Instead, Romain shines for his individualistic attitude, which often results in dangerous lost of balls on the pitch. He is not very active defensively, and the coach has publicly acknowledged that he is not doing enough (for now...).

He gives the impression that he's playing for himself and not for the team. It's very annoying.

Sorry for my very scolar english, hope you will understand. :lol:

Brest On Air.

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 20:00 
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Rezki Amrouche
Rezki Amrouche

Inscription: Dim 06 Oct, 2024 14:56
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Damage a écrit:
Hi mate @Cherries_Fan

I think you're being very lenient with Romain. If his failures are emphasized more than his successes, it's because they've been much less visible since he came back here. Moreover, his attitude and commitment during training sessions do not allow him to be a starter in Ligue 1 or Champion's League.

Since last season, the strength of the team has been based on its collective, with strong values: self-sacrifice, courage, surpassing oneself, etc. Instead, Romain shines for his individualistic attitude, which often results in dangerous lost of balls on the pitch. He is not very active defensively, and the coach has publicly acknowledged that he is not doing enough (for now...).

He gives the impression that he's playing for himself and not for the team. It's very annoying.

Sorry for my very scolar english, hope you will understand. :lol:

We can probably agree that your school English is miles ahead of my school French!

It’s true that I didn’t see much of him during his spell with Bournemouth this spring (@Lorenzo29), but I did catch the team’s US tour and watched the friendlies live. You always pick up more details when you’re watching at the stadium rather than on TV. The rest of the friendlies, I followed on TV. What I saw from him was surprisingly good—it left me wanting to see more, and I wasn’t the only one feeling that way. I’ve also attended a few training sessions and watched the squad in action, including Faivre, and at no point did I notice any bad attitude or lack of effort. Even those who follow the training sessions more closely haven’t reported anything like that, so hearing this now is both disappointing and unexpected (at least for me).

Obviously, if someone isn’t putting in the effort during training, they shouldn’t be in the starting XI—that’s a no-brainer. But that’s not my point here. I just think there’s some clear bias towards him, similar to how we in Bournemouth have certain biases toward some of our current or former players. I think that’s a bit unfortunate, no matter where it happens. That’s just my view, though—everyone’s entitled to their opinion.

Faivre has everything to gain by fully committing to the team (and for what it’s worth, he played pretty collectively and directly while at Bournemouth, just saying...). With the Champions League being such a huge platform, let’s hope he pulls it together. We all know what he’s capable of. For your sake, I really hope he can make an impact in both your Ligue 1 and Champions League campaigns. And for our sake, that we don’t lose money on him—though, personally, I’d love to see him back with us next season.

Next post will be shorter, I promise…

Ok, j'ai fait de mon mieux pour traduire…
Nous pouvons probablement convenir que votre anglais scolaire est bien meilleur que le mien en français !
C’est vrai que je ne l’ai pas beaucoup vu pendant son passage à Bournemouth ce printemps (@Lorenzo29), mais j’ai suivi la tournée américaine de l’équipe et les matchs amicaux en direct. On apprend toujours plus de détails quand on regarde au stade plutôt qu’à la télévision. J’ai suivi le reste des matchs amicaux à la télévision. Ce que j’ai vu de lui était étonnamment bon – cela m’a donné envie d’en voir plus, et je n’étais pas le seul à ressentir cela. J’ai également assisté à quelques séances d’entraînement et regardé l’équipe en action, y compris Faivre, et à aucun moment je n’ai remarqué une mauvaise attitude ou un manque d’effort. Même ceux qui suivent les séances d’entraînement de plus près n’ont rien rapporté de tel, donc entendre cela maintenant est à la fois décevant et inattendu (du moins pour moi).
Évidemment, si quelqu’un ne fait pas d’efforts pendant l’entraînement, il ne devrait pas être dans le onze de départ – c’est une évidence. Mais ce n’est pas mon propos ici. Je pense juste qu’il y a un parti pris clair à son égard, similaire à la façon dont nous à Bournemouth avons certains préjugés envers certains de nos joueurs actuels ou anciens. Je pense que c’est un peu malheureux, peu importe où cela se passe. C’est juste mon point de vue, cependant, chacun a le droit à son opinion.
Faivre a tout à gagner en s’engageant pleinement dans l’équipe (et pour ce que ça vaut, il a joué de manière assez collective et directe à Bournemouth, je dis ça comme ça…). La Ligue des champions étant une plateforme aussi énorme, espérons qu’il se ressaisisse. Nous savons tous de quoi il est capable. Pour votre bien, j’espère vraiment qu’il pourra avoir un impact dans vos campagnes de Ligue 1 et de Ligue des champions. Et pour notre bien, que nous ne perdions pas d’argent avec lui – même si, personnellement, j’aimerais le revoir avec nous la saison prochaine.
Le prochain post sera plus court, promis…

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 20:03 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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Inscription: Sam 13 Aoû, 2005 15:53
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Qu'il se rassure, on ne le retiendra pas longtemps


MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 20:16 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec

Inscription: Dim 17 Juil, 2011 0:33
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La balle est dans son camp, pas dur de constater qu'il a du mal à se mettre dans le ton de l'équipe dont la force repose sur un collectif remarquable éclairé par quelques talents. Faivre pourrait être de ceux-là mais sa présence reste pour le moment contreproductive, son art s'exerçant le plus souvent dans le vide

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 21:09 
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Jean Pierre Bosser
Jean Pierre Bosser

Inscription: Jeu 19 Déc, 2019 22:19
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@Cherries_fan you're welcome

Of course we have bias toward him because off the pitch, he behaved badly in the past (strike to leave the club, signing for rival club last year...)
In my opinion, I'm very disappointing because he has not matured a bit since he has left the club in 2022, he is still a "little boy" (whereas he is 26)
A little boy because even if we know that he well carries the ball, he makes no differences and he has deficiences defensively
2 examples come to my mind againt Strum Graz, a reference point for us, at the 5th minute, the austrain defender totally miss his pass but instead of finishing the game, he dived almost alone in penalty area.
Second example, on Strum Graz's goal, he didn't do the pressing at the start

I've lost patience personally, he has the same defiencies since several years

Finally, there are some rumours that he would have personal problems with others players in the team
I'm think to loan could be broken during the season if Bournemouth accepted

MessagePosté: Dim 20 Oct, 2024 22:07 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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Inscription: Lun 13 Sep, 2004 18:20
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Clementos a écrit:

Finally, there are some rumours that he would have personal problems with others players in the team

Did you say that you know a mole in the football locker room?
Perhaps il’s a rumor from Riolo ?

Sorry for my poor english

Agitateurs du Joystick , Cramponnez vos chaussons !

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