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MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 14:39 
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Goran Milojevic
Goran Milojevic
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Inscription: Ven 21 Nov, 2003 16:38
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The problem is that it still remains (till next week :cry: ) two french clubs and pubs would probably prefer to show these games. I wish you to find someone who'll be helpfull...
Welcome, here is Brest.

Es lebe Weissbier...

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MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 14:43 
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Sladjan Djukic
Sladjan Djukic
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Inscription: Lun 05 Jan, 2004 18:27
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God dag Nordmann ! Welcome in Brest, I don't think there is a pub which will retransmit the match Arsenal-Chelsea because there is Monaco-Real madrid at the same time, But if you want to see it, I think the Murphys will retransmit it, it's "rue de la 2eme db" near the "leclerc"
ha det !

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 15:17 
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Goran Milojevic
Goran Milojevic
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Inscription: Ven 21 Nov, 2003 16:38
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it´s a pub, a british one, and that's, i think, the most appropriate place where you could (that is not sure) watch this game.

Es lebe Weissbier...

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MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 15:25 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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Allt for Norge

je suis parfaitement incapap' de prononcer les mots en ap'

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 16:09 
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Sladjan Djukic
Sladjan Djukic
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Inscription: Lun 05 Jan, 2004 18:27
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Smil Pent a écrit:
Soprano a écrit:
God dag Nordmann ! Welcome in Brest, I don't think there is a pub which will retransmit the match Arsenal-Chelsea because there is Monaco-Real madrid at the same time, But if you want to see it, I think the Murphys will retransmit it, it's "rue de la 2eme db" near the "leclerc"
ha det !

Thanks for your help, guys.

I'm a bit puzzled by your answer - you think "the Murphys" will show the match, or not? Is this a pub (sounds like it)? :?

Monaco-Real Madrid I meant

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 19:25 
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Gérard Buscher
Gérard Buscher

Inscription: Jeu 31 Juil, 2003 13:29
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Smil Pent a écrit:
Cheers! :D
I'll give them a call..

Vive la France!
no problem mate ..... you are welcome. all this is quite funny, ain't ?

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MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 20:34 
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Bernard Pardo
Bernard Pardo
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Inscription: Lun 01 Avr, 2002 18:25
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If you want there is a great game saturday in the stade francis le ble . lol

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MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 20:58 
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Gérard Buscher
Gérard Buscher

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jln29 a écrit:
If you want there is a great game saturday in the stade francis le ble . lol
yeah true !!!!! it's gonna be wicked mate you should come you will discover another atmosphear than the norwegian's one.

C ya guys

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 21:06 
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Goran Milojevic
Goran Milojevic
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Inscription: Lun 27 Oct, 2003 16:49
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Rien capté... :sm27: :sm28:

Smil Pent> Vive la bretagne, is better! :wink:

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MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 21:36 
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Didier Monczuk
Didier Monczuk

Inscription: Ven 30 Jan, 2004 14:26
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:roll: Un Norvégien :roll: supporter d'Arsenal :roll: qui vient voir un match dans un pub à Brest :roll: ...Pourquoi pas après tout !


 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mer 31 Mar, 2004 22:56 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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Inscription: Ven 07 Nov, 2003 22:58
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I am very impressioné by la qualité of the english language pratiqué by les forumistes brestois. :lol: :lol: :lol:
And my son is chez les brits this week

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