football ligue 2

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MessagePosté: Jeu 09 Juil, 2020 14:50 
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Didier Monczuk
Didier Monczuk
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Inscription: Lun 04 Jan, 2016 17:44
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Wow ! Taf incroyable

Rumeurs mercato : Été 2024 | Hiver 2024 | Été 2023 | Hiver 2023 | Été 2022

MessagePosté: Jeu 09 Juil, 2020 15:21 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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Inscription: Mar 11 Mai, 2010 23:34
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Je ne résiste pas au plaisir de recopier la conclusion du rapport de Micky Boy :

The principles of play offer an attractive play, which allows a modest team of the Ligue 1, sequences of great technical qualities: Privileging short play even under pressure to keep control of the ball regardless the opponent; the development of attacks on the width with a triangle game to attract and frees up space to take advantage … A style of play that keeps attacking principles with this desire to entertain the spectator.

However, this team can put in difficulty on certain points: A lack of discipline which weakens the block and makes the management between the lines complicated; the lack of tall players who can expose the team in the air field especially on set kick.

Brest is a “young” team in Ligue 1, after having spent a long time in Ligue 2, the team has managed to maintain itself in this first year of transition. The team has an attractive play which can still progress in particular in defensive management but it is an aspect which will come with the experience of the players. For his second seasons in Ligue 1, the team will need to manage perfectly the mercato, anticipating the possible loss of important players in the system.

MessagePosté: Jeu 09 Juil, 2020 17:20 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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Inscription: Ven 14 Juin, 2002 21:19
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Un seul grand joueur de taille en plus, titulaire, ça suffirait déjà à être plus efficace sur cpa défensifs et offensifs

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