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MessagePosté: Mar 31 Oct, 2006 13:52 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Mar 01 Nov, 2005 20:54
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DYONISA a écrit:
tu es une vraie mitraillette!!! j'ai mis 5 minutes.

:lol: Ah ouais quand même, c'est vrai que j'ais tendance à dégainer mon texte rapidement sans marquer réellement de pauses ! Mais avec le stress, souvent je tartine pour finir le plus vite possible : faut qu'je change cette habitude. Sinon t'en penses quoi ?! C'est cohérent je pense, je n'change pas complétement d'idée entre chaque paragraphe, il y a un lien ...

Le bAlafré FC DVI.793!

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mar 31 Oct, 2006 13:55 
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Momo Bouquet
Momo Bouquet
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Inscription: Sam 27 Nov, 2004 19:42
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L'escrot a écrit:
:lol: Ah ouais quand même, c'est vrai que j'ais tendance à dégainer mon texte rapidement sans marquer réellement de pauses ! Mais avec le stress, souvent je tartine pour finir le plus vite possible : faut qu'je change cette habitude. Sinon t'en penses quoi ?! C'est cohérent je pense, je n'change pas complétement d'idée entre chaque paragraphe, il y a un lien ...

C'est pas mal.
tu pourrai même essayer d'introduire tes paragraphes par une petite phrase de temps en temps. ex je vais vous parler des acteurs...

Hostile mais pas vulgaire.

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mar 31 Oct, 2006 13:58 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Mar 01 Nov, 2005 20:54
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DYONISA a écrit:
C'est pas mal.
tu pourrai même essayer d'introduire tes paragraphes par une petite phrase de temps en temps. ex je vais vous parler des acteurs...

Exactement, c'est ce que je viens de noter sur ma feuille : introduire certains paragraphes par une p'tite phrase :wink:

Le bAlafré FC DVI.793!

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Mar 31 Oct, 2006 14:49 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Mar 01 Nov, 2005 20:54
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Par contre je n'ais pas encore revu le film Pearl Harbor (et ça fait un moment que je l'ais vu, plus grand souvenir :oops: ), mais je compte le revoir avant la fin des vacs ! J'attend qu'une copine me le prête ! Donc si quelqu'un l'a vu, est-ce-qu'il pourrait me faire un résumé dès l'attaque des japonais jusqu'à la fin du film, parce que apars des résumés du début du film, je ne trouve rien ! Merci :wink:

Le bAlafré FC DVI.793!

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MessagePosté: Sam 11 Nov, 2006 21:03 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Mar 01 Nov, 2005 20:54
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Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.It’s the war message of Franklin Roosevelt to Congress the eighth december, 1941

Indeed, I have decided to talk to you of a film which I liked much : "Pearl Harbor".
This movie was directed by Michael Bay, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay, the screenplay is written by Randall Wallace.

On a sunday morning in December, as children played and families prayed, squadrons of Japanese warplanes screamed in the sky and launched a surprise attack on the U. S. armed forces at Pearl Harbor.

"Pearl Harbor" focuses on the events surrounding December 7, 1941, and the war's devastating impact on two daring young pilots (Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett) and on a beautiful woman who is nurse (Kate Beckinsale).

Rafe Mccawley (Ben Affleck) and Danny Walker (Josh Hartnett) are two characters who grew up like brothers.
They first learnt to fly in the dangerous aviation practice of crop-dusting (crop-dusting allows the desinsectisation of the Fields for example) ; now they are pilots in the U.S. Army Air Corps.

Evelyn Stewart (Kate Beckinsale) is a courageous young woman with whom Rafe falls in love. But Evelyn is not certain of his intentions.As like many nurses, she became hardened and she isn’t easy to allure.

Rafe voluntarily joins Britain's Royal Air Force. Over there, he has had a crash after being touched by offensives german. He has been declared like died, but actually he was always in life. Danny announced the news to Kate, because Rafe had said to him to make that. Danny wanted to protect her, and they were often together. They often spoke about Rafe. But Danny will fall in love with Kate. They will have a love story. But after 3 months, Rafe comes back. It’s the shock for him to see that his best friend made him things in the back.To one evening, they will fight. Finally when the police force arrives, they flee together. The following day, they are awaked by noises of planes. They realize at the end of one moment that pearl harbor is attacked by an air force. They decide in their turn to fight these enemy planes. Rafe and Danny will be the only ones to take off. They will cut down 7 planes. The combat then will end. They will receive the silver star and will be promoted captain. This combat will have made more than 3000 died. Roosevelt thus will require of the congress the war against Japan. Danny and Rafe will be called to go to bombard Tokyo, the capital of Japan. They will accept. They will do it, but they will have a crash because of a lack of fuel. Danny will die while wanting to protect Rafe from japanese. Danny learns before dying that Kate is pregnant of him. They will be saved by the Chinese. Of return to the United States, Kate understands that Danny did not survive. Finally, Rafe and Kate live now together. They raise their son: he is called Danny.

In addition, it should be noted that there is an icon in this film and I find that he has an important place in this film from the point of view of the equality of the human beings. Indeed, Dorie Miller (Cuba Gooding Jr.) is one of the real life characters in this fictional story. He was one of the first African-Americans honoured by the United States government for his valour. In the film he is stationed on the USS West Virginia docked at Ford Island as a seaman third class mess attendant.

It’s a tale of catastrophic defeat, heroic victory, personal courage and overwhelming love set against a stunning backdrop of spectacular wartime action.

Splendid film based on real facts and very well scripted. With explosive special effects, actions to cut the breath and actors excellent! A music made up and directed by Hans Zimmer who sticks very good to the environment of film. It's a film to absolutely seeing!

Voilà ! Il ne me reste plus qu'à ajouter des phrases d'accroche 8)

Le bAlafré FC DVI.793!

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MessagePosté: Dim 12 Nov, 2006 3:24 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Mar 01 Nov, 2005 20:54
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up pour le message d'au dessus :roll:

Le bAlafré FC DVI.793!

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MessagePosté: Ven 12 Jan, 2007 18:52 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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Inscription: Mar 01 Nov, 2005 20:54
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Localisation: Steuh
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Bon finalement, ça s'est soldé par un 7 en anglais :lol:

J'attend la communication, là je devrais avoir la moyenne :D

Le bAlafré FC DVI.793!

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