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MessagePosté: Lun 24 Sep, 2007 9:16 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Un petit message de Ron Paul

The end is nigh. Of the third quarter of 2007, that is! And I need your help to make sure that our campaign gets a big boost. At the end of the second quarter, on August 1, we had more money than McCain, and we got a million dollars worth of free publicity.

This time, we can get 10 million dollars worth, IF we have good results to announce on October 1, and therefore the resources to build for the future.

After all, our ideas have never been needed more. The Federal Reserve is killing our dollar, the war is killing our soldiers, police-state methods are killing our civil liberties, and the income tax and bureaucratic meddling are killing our economy.

But there is hope for America in the ideas of this Revolution. What progress we are making, all across this country, among all groups. The mainstream media may ignore us, but we are winning strawpolls, drawing huge crowds, getting local media, moving up in the regular polls (a lagging indicator, of course), organizing, dominating the internet, and preparing the way for the early caucuses and primaries.

As our opponents begin to falter, and the undecideds grow in strength, this is our time. When people learn about our ideas and our work for them, they join the Revolution. So my job is to make sure they learn!

But I can't do this job alone. I need you. Please, reach out your hand and clasp mine. Our country is at stake, our children's future and ours is in the balance. Make the most generous contribution you can, and make it soon. Help me go into October with a roar. Help me build this campaign as it must be built.

A 13-year-old said to me the other day, "Dr. Paul, you are the hope of my future." No, I told her, but this Revolution is. Will she grow up in a poorer, more socialist, more militarist, more oppressive country? Or the free country you and I love?

Let's work together with all our strength for the Constitution, for America, for all our people, for freedom, prosperity, and peace. Together, you and I can make a Revolution. Let's do it!




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MessagePosté: Lun 24 Sep, 2007 17:02 
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Jean Pierre Bosser
Jean Pierre Bosser

Inscription: Jeu 20 Mai, 2004 17:10
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ca y est ron pleure il se met a gratter les fonds de tirroir il demande meme aux plus pauvres de financer sa campagne :roll: :roll: :roll:

phiphi crois tu que les cueilleurs de fraises (qui ont un pret a rembourser)lui donneront d elargent :?:

utopique phiphi continue tes copies colles ils sont tres phiphinesque

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MessagePosté: Lun 24 Sep, 2007 20:19 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Bah 10.000.000 de $ à peine le prix d'une quinzaine de maisons de cueilleurs de fraises...


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MessagePosté: Mer 26 Sep, 2007 17:55 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Ron Paul et Ben Bernanke...


One nation...


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MessagePosté: Mer 26 Sep, 2007 18:19 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec

Inscription: Jeu 14 Fév, 2002 18:48
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Monsieur Paul a d'autres chats à fouetter


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MessagePosté: Mer 26 Sep, 2007 19:20 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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MessagePosté: Jeu 27 Sep, 2007 14:59 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Il avait demandé 500.000 $ en une semaine il est en train de le réaliser

Supporters of long-shot GOP presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) are putting their money where their mouth is — the Internet.

With the third quarter drawing to a close, the campaign said it expects to exceed the $2.4 million haul it brought in during the second quarter, even though fundraising is usually slower in the summer.

“We will exceed our fundraising from last quarter — by exactly how much is yet to be seen,” Paul’s communications director, Jesse Benton, said. “We have a lot of money coming in online and have also launched a successful high-dollar funder program.”

Paul supports libertarian positions and is the only GOP presidential candidate to speak out against the war in Iraq. He has been at the receiving end of harsh criticism from other candidates for his Iraq stance, including during Republican debates.

However, the same positions have made him the darling of the online community, with enthusiastic Paul supporters swamping opinion sites and swarming Internet polls.

As campaigns sprint toward the fundraising finish line, it seems the online community is stepping up its financial support of Paul.

The lawmaker’s website is urging supporters to give $500,000 in the week prior to the deadline, and it appears as though that goal will be surpassed easily.

Benton said the campaign sent out an e-mail announcing the initiative, which is also prominently featured on Paul’s website, at noon on Monday. A little more than a day later $170,000 had been raised, with additional donations coming in at a rate of a little more than $10,000 every hour.

Les dons affluent au rythme de 10.000 $ l'heure...


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MessagePosté: Dim 30 Sep, 2007 21:40 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Hey higuito 8)

Ron paul sur 500.000 $ demandé a collecté en une semaine 1.000.000 $.

Heureusement qu'il n'est qu'à 2% d'intention de vote, s'il était à 50% il aurait de quoi nourrir la planête entière pendant un bon moment en quelques semaines.

C'est bizarre ces gens qui donnent leur pognon à un clown... Higuito t'a raté ta vocation t'aurais pu faire fortune...

Dr. Paul was campaigning in New Hampshire with his wife Carol and their family when our $1,000,000 goal was reached last night. As the time drew near, they watched on a laptop as the counter reached the $1 million mark. They, along with staff, supporters and volunteers throughout the country then celebrated this extraordinary accomplishment.

Over $1,000,000 raised in seven days for the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign. Remarkable!

On behalf of Dr. Paul and every member of the campaign staff: Thank you!!

Kent Snyder
Ron Paul 2008


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MessagePosté: Dim 30 Sep, 2007 21:47 
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Patrick Colleter
Patrick Colleter
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phev a écrit:
Higuito t'a raté ta vocation t'aurais pu faire fortune...

ça va je me débrouille pas mal.
je comprends que tu aimes Ron Paul toi qui jette l'argent par les fenêtres, comme ceux qui lui donnent de l'argent, bon c'est jamais perdu pour tout le monde :lol:
sinon il fait toujours autant rigoler ton Besancenot ricain

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MessagePosté: Dim 30 Sep, 2007 21:48 
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Jean Pierre Bosser
Jean Pierre Bosser
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phev a écrit:
Hey higuito 8)

Ron paul sur 500.000 $ demandé a collecté en une semaine 1.000.000 $.

Heureusement qu'il n'est qu'à 2% d'intention de vote, s'il était à 50% il aurait de quoi nourrir la planête entière pendant un bon moment en quelques semaines.

C'est bizarre ces gens qui donnent leur pognon à un clown... Higuito t'a raté ta vocation t'aurais pu faire fortune...

Dr. Paul was campaigning in New Hampshire with his wife Carol and their family when our $1,000,000 goal was reached last night. As the time drew near, they watched on a laptop as the counter reached the $1 million mark. They, along with staff, supporters and volunteers throughout the country then celebrated this extraordinary accomplishment.

Over $1,000,000 raised in seven days for the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign. Remarkable!

On behalf of Dr. Paul and every member of the campaign staff: Thank you!!

Kent Snyder
Ron Paul 2008

C'est marrant quand même le système des ricains. Organiser un téléthon pour donner des sous aux politiques... quoi qu'en poloche, y'a quand même un paquet de trisomiques :lol:


En ces temps d’imposture universelle, dire la vérité est un acte révolutionnaire. (George Orwell)

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MessagePosté: Lun 01 Oct, 2007 12:52 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Un peu hors sujet : article sur les vétérans de la guerre en Irak... ... 439_1.html


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MessagePosté: Lun 01 Oct, 2007 13:19 
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Drago Vabec
Drago Vabec
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impressionnant on est à 10 pages sur des élections étrangères qui ont lieu dans 1 an !

mais sérieux : qu'est-ce qu'on en a à branler ?

je suis parfaitement incapap' de prononcer les mots en ap'

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MessagePosté: Jeu 11 Oct, 2007 15:51 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Yeah Ron paul collecte 5 M$ en un trimestre

Nouveau débat télévisé...

Les autres candidats n’ont quasiment pas bronché lors de ces interventions alors que Ron Paul les clouait au pilori en leur jetant à la face leurs ratés, leurs incohérences et leurs traîtrises vis-à-vis de l’Amérique.

Que les neo cons aillent se faire mettre.

Congressman Paul, I think you have questions and concerns about the bonanza in the hedge fund industry. Do you?

REP. RON PAUL (R-TEXAS): Yes. I think this is not a consequence of free markets. What's happening is, there's transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the wealthy.

This comes about because of the monetary system that we have. When you inflate a currency or destroy a currency, the middle class gets wiped out.

So the people who get to use the money first which is created by the Federal Reserve system benefit. So the money gravitates to the banks and to Wall Street.

That's why you have more billionaires than ever before. Today, this country is in the middle of a recession for a lot of people. Michigan knows about it. Poor people know about it. The middle class knows about it. Wall Street doesn't know about it. Washington, D.C., doesn't know about it.

But it's because of the monetary system and the excessive spending. As long as we live beyond our means we are destined to live beneath our means.

And we have lived beyond our means because we are financing a foreign policy that is so extravagant and beyond what we can control, as well as the spending here at home.

And we're depending on the creation of money out of thin air, which is nothing more than debasement of the currency. It's counterfeit. And it is a natural, predictable consequence that you're going to have people benefit from it and other people suffer.

PAUL: So, if you want a healthy economy, you have to study monetary theory and figure out why it is that we're suffering. And everybody doesn't suffer equally, or this wouldn't be so bad.

It's always the poor people -- those who are on retired incomes -- that suffer the most. But the politicians and those who get to use the money first, like the military industrial complex, they make a lot of money and they benefit from it.

MATTHEWS: Thank you, Congressman.



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MessagePosté: Jeu 11 Oct, 2007 19:46 
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Jean Pierre Bosser
Jean Pierre Bosser

Inscription: Jeu 20 Mai, 2004 17:10
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phev a écrit:
Yeah Ron paul collecte 5 M$ en un trimestre

Nouveau débat télévisé...

Les autres candidats n’ont quasiment pas bronché lors de ces interventions alors que Ron Paul les clouait au pilori en leur jetant à la face leurs ratés, leurs incohérences et leurs traîtrises vis-à-vis de l’Amérique.

totalement faux ron paul s est fait mettre et bien....j ai regarde le debat en direct. et en entier , une simple citation tres partielle du debat n est pas representative de celui ci monsieur phiphi...tu fais une fois de plus de la desinformation....

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MessagePosté: Jeu 11 Oct, 2007 20:20 
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Bernard Lama
Bernard Lama
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Inscription: Mar 09 Juil, 2002 16:37
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Chacun pourra ici juger : ... 00907.html

retranscription complet du débat....

Et pour les 5 M de $ LuLu ce sont des billets de monopoly ?


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