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Angle Lighting With Golden Wings Swarovski Crystal Brooches [zi570109] - $40.24 :
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.In your community between precious and semi-precious happen to be andalusite, aquamarine, glowing beryl, hiddenite, olivine, tourmaline, zircon, plus the finer types of amethyst, topaz, along with garnet. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
So as to describe this hardness from stones your scale was first devised with a German mineralogist known as Moh.Your scale ranges from 1 that will 10, the bigger the range, the tougher the jewel.The number mounted on various stones do not designate absolute degrees of hardness, nevertheless are approximate.Of exactly the same stone, a number of forms are harder compared with others.By way of example, one diamond is often a little difficult than some other.These variations are slight with out other flagstone at it is hardest, strategies the softest diamond 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
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MessagePosté: Dim 22 Jan, 2012 11:52 
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Sylvain Prat
Sylvain Prat

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Angle Lighting With Golden Wings Swarovski Crystal Brooches [zi570109] - $40.24 :

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Angle Lighting With Golden Wings Swarovski Crystal Brooches
Angle Lighting With Golden Wings Swarovski Crystal Brooches

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$114.64 $40.24Save: 65% off
Model: zi570109

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Name: Angle Lighting With Golden Wings Swarovski Crystal Brooches
Swarovski brooches are not only for some ladies, but also girls. They may be mature, graceful or even cute. The refined design, good quality and exquisite crafts make the Swarovski brooches fabulous! You can adorn it in bosom, on a hat, as a scarf buckle, or you can wear with a chain to be the sweater chain. They are versatile!
Size: 28x22mm
Inventory: In Stock
Manufacturer: Swarovski Crystal
Category: Swarovski Brooches
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Imageswarovs-hai/Swarovski-Brooches 87hai_LRG.jpg

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.In your community between precious and semi-precious happen to be andalusite, aquamarine, glowing beryl, hiddenite, olivine, tourmaline, zircon, plus the finer types of amethyst, topaz, along with garnet.
So as to describe this hardness from stones your scale was first devised with a German mineralogist known as Moh.Your scale ranges from 1 that will 10, the bigger the range, the tougher the jewel.The number mounted on various stones do not designate absolute degrees of hardness, nevertheless are approximate.Of exactly the same stone, a number of forms are harder compared with others.By way of example, one diamond is often a little difficult than some other.These variations are slight with out other flagstone at it is hardest, strategies the softest diamond

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